Project ongoing

Please let us know if you want to visit more website done by Online Solution. One of our current work is for EntropiaBD.

Support & FAQ

We choose “Frequently Asked Question” from your query for Online Solution. So don't hesitate to raise your question to us because it may help others.

I have registered my domain elsewhere. Can I develop it by Online Solution?

We are always welcoming you to come in Online Solution family. You can take only our website design & development service and as well as hosting service if don’t have the service.

Is it true that it takes a lot of money for the maintenances of website?

Website does not require that much maintenance charge. Anyone can maintain his/her website by the help of package Dynamic/CMS. But for some special case like SEO it requires special maintenance. Good news is you are going to get free maintenance from Online Solution for one year with your first agreement with us.

What information do I need to provide for developing a website?

Information can defer for different website. But in most cases, it requires images, company information, employee information, product information & contact information.

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